How To Navigate the AI Enabled Hiring Process

  • Savannah Higgins
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With each passing day, we are witnessing more advancements in artificial intelligence and machine learning. These advancements have helped companies maximize shareholder value and created efficiencies on a massive scale. It’s no surprise that there has been a major surge in the utilization by companies across various sectors in the application of this technology in their hiring processes.  

According to a recent study by Harvard University, 99% of Fortune 500 Companies utilize AI and machine learning when deciding which candidates to interview. Another study found that 55% of HR leaders in the same space use predictive algorithms in making hiring decisions. 


One of the main concerns with implementing these systems in the hiring process at a massive scale is the negative consequences of exacerbating the existing issue of bias. A federal court in California recently allowed a job seeker to proceed with a class-action lawsuit against Workday, a popular HCM platform that is used by more than 10,000 companies. The lawsuit accuses Workday of AI hiring discrimination based on race, age, and disability. In response to this suit and others, companies have made massive investments in internal audit and governance boards which are meant to eliminate bias present in AI hiring systems.  

Another concern is the removal of quality candidates from consideration because of the ways in which these systems operate. These systems rely heavily on keywords, syntax, and other criteria which can be replicated by candidates who may not actually be that qualified for the position. The truth of the matter is that candidates exist who are incredible at their job but are just not that great at drafting resumes that are optimized for these systems. As a recruiter, I have worked with many of them. It takes human judgement to be able to identify whether someone who may not have the most stellar buzzword riddled resume will be able to perform in a given role. Many qualified candidates are being screened out of the process entirely.  


Given the current the rate of advancement of these technologies and the scale of their application in the hiring process, considerable regulatory measures are almost a certainty; When and how they will occur remains to be seen. In the meantime, companies are increasing their investments into this technology. KPMG’s 2024 survey found that, of those surveyed, 83% of companies say their investment in similar technology will increase in the next three years. Despite the potential drawbacks, it appears as though for the foreseeable future AI in the hiring process is here to stay and will only become more prevalent.  How, then, can you as a candidate utilize this shift to your advantage? 


  1. Optimize your resume for AI consumption with AI. 

A Pew Research study found that 66% of people would not want to apply to a company where AI was used in making hiring decisions. The harsh reality is that, especially if you are applying to companies in the Fortune 500 space, your application is almost guaranteed to be rated by an AI system. One of the best ways to optimize your resume for AI consumption is to utilize a vendor that will use AI to reformat your resume and tailor your experience and achievements to each position to which you are applying. These systems often create a redesign of your resume with ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) in mind and can greatly increase your chances of getting an initial interview. 

Rapid Resume, a Lakeland-based Technology company is such a vendor.  


  1. Work with a recruiter you trust 

When you work with a recruiter, you have a subject matter expert in your corner that knows your strengths, skills, and achievements and can communicate them to potential employers directly. The relationships a recruiter can bring to the table will open a world of possibilities and eliminate the drawbacks AI hiring systems pose to candidates who apply on their own. When you decide to partner with a recruiter, the chances of getting a position that checks all your boxes greatly increase.  

Check out our job board and connect with one of our team members today:  


  1. Avoid trying to “trick the system”  

Across social media, there have been many videos, reels, and posts about how you can “trick” the ATS systems into ranking you among the top candidates for a position. Often this involves pasting entire job descriptions into a resume and then changing the font color to white so it can’t be seen by human eyes but is still registered by the AI. Not only are these attempts to “trick the system” rarely successful, but they are also unfair to candidates who would have made it to the next round. Ultimately, it is a lot easier and more efficient to generate a reformatted resume using the power of AI that truly reflects your skills and abilities.   


At the end of the day, navigating an AI enabled hiring landscape can be difficult and frustrating; however, if you take steps to optimize your resume for AI processing and partner with a recruiter you trust, you will be well positioned in the search to land your dream job. 


Written by: Samuel Goetz