The Art of Communicating with Different Personalities Using the DiSC Profile

  • Savannah Higgins
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No two people are exactly alike. As you reflect on your relationships, whether with friends, family, partners, or peers, I’m sure you can attest to the unique personality traits possessed by each individual. Different personalities come with different communication styles. In order to effectively communicate with others, it’s imperative to understand and embrace these differences.  

The DiSC model provides a framework comprised of four personality profiles: the D, i, S, and C styles. While the model is a spectrum and people are typically a blend of the four, the buckets provide a simplified way to understand people’s dominant personality traits. Once you understand a person’s DiSC style, as well as your own, you can tailor your communication methods and adopt best practices to foster efficient and effective communication. 

Let’s explore the four personality profiles and learn how to best communicate with each. 

D-type (Dominance) 

People with D personalities are direct, driven, and, often times, outspoken. These determined and strong-willed individuals place a high emphasis on results and are, therefore, very action oriented. When communicating with a D, it’s important to deliver your message in a clear and concise manner – get straight to the point and avoid rambling. Since D’s are goal and facts driven, approach the conversation with a similar solutions-oriented mindset. Remember, D’s are more focused on facts, not feelings, and appreciate a candid conversation! 

i-type (Influence) 

People with I personalities are sociable, outgoing, and high-energy. They value their relationships deeply and tend to have significant influence on those around them. On the contrary to a D personality, begin your conversations with an I by socializing rather than diving straight into the facts and figures. Allow Is to express their thoughts and ideas in a collaborative environment and do your best to relate and share your own personal experiences. Maintaining an optimistic attitude is also of utmost importance when communicating with an I. They may come off as overly excited, which stems from a genuine interest in getting to know you! 

S-type (Steadiness) 

People with S personalities are accommodating, sincere, and gentle. Similar to I’s, they care deeply about their relationships; however, their focus is on supporting and empathizing with others as opposed to influencing. S personalities are often tactful and cautious, creating an appreciation for a clear and thorough outline of expectations. When communicating with an S, speak with warmth and politeness to avoid accidental hurt feelings. They aim to please, so acknowledgement and praise of their work goes a very long way! 

C-type (Conscientiousness) 

People with C personalities are analytical, precise, and methodical. They exhibit a strong attention to detail and prioritize logic over emotions. It’s important to be patient when communicating with a C; they don’t respond well to feeling rushed into a quick decision and prefer adequate time to thoroughly analyze a situation. Come prepared with facts, figures, and an understanding that a C will likely assume an objective mindset. Lastly, keep in mind that C personalities are often more private and reserved, so they might not respond well to overly emotional language. 

Remember, the DiSC framework is not a “one size fits all” model; each individual’s personality has unique nuances. By understanding and learning about each other’s DiSC styles, we can enhance our communication and ultimately strengthen our relationships.  


Author: Hannah Letzelter